Delivery Subsidy Program – A Path to Clean, Safe & Respectful Deliveries
Many of our partners (who are not providing delivery services) are operating effective prenatal programs but, all too often, expectant mothers (especially the poorest) deliver with a traditional birth attendant or in a sub-standard, government clinic. Overcrowded conditions, lack of an organized referral – transport process, poor infection control procedures, staff indifference or training issues and lack of proper equipment contribute to poor outcomes. The poorest we serve are often relegated to these conditions — we can do better. The Delivery Subsidy Program (DSP) will provide the poor with a path from a quality, caring prenatal program to a safe, clean, respectful delivery in a “vetted” clinic. The objective of the program is to provide subsidies for the poor, not all expectant mothers. The subsidy will cover a % of the costs for delivery in a “quality” clinic (e.g.; 100% / 75% / 50 % based on ability to pay) and can also be applied to purchasing Mama kits and transportation to and from. Part of the subsidy can also be applied to a Traditional Birth Assistant Referral Program. In order to qualify for the DSP, the expectant mother must complete all 4 prenatal visits. We are introducing this program in Q1 2017.
Traditional Birth Assistant (TBA) Referral Program
The TBA referral program complements the DSP as we want to positively incent and include TBAs in our path to clean, safe and respectful clinic-based deliveries for the expectant mothers that we serve. TBAs will accompany the mothers they serve and assist in the delivery process.
Biomedical Program
We plan on hiring a biomedical engineer to support our work March 1, 2017. Among other tasks the biomedical engineer will: Review and approve proposed medical equipment deliverables; install, calibrate, maintain, repair, and provide technical support for the biomedical equipment at our partner clinics and hospitals; Train clinicians and biomedical staff on the proper use of equipment (including preventive maintenance); Assist partner clinics or hospitals in establishing or improving their biomedical process and procedures. We will “drive” the change – we will be leaders in implementing biomedical programs at our non-profit partners. The goal of this position is to help improve the quality of healthcare provided and outcomes achieved at the clinics and hospitals we serve.
Community Health Worker Kits
There is a shortage of diagnostic tools (stethoscopes, blood pressure cuffs, pulse oximeters, otoscopes, thermometers, ophthalmoscopes) at many of the clinics-hospitals we serve. The shortage is much greater if we look at the number of community health workers (CHWs) that are performing basic diagnosis in the field. Most CHWs are trained to use the basic tools ( blood pressure cuffs, pulse oximeters, thermometers) but often lack these diagnostic tools. We will deliver (Q1 2017) pallets of CHW diagnostic kits of 5 and 10 units along with our Clinic / Hospital upgrades. These will be available for distribution to other clinics and CHW-focused organizations not receiving a Clinic or Hospital Upgrade.